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Personnel Recruitment Software Utilizing Social Networks : Facebook / LinkedIn

“Today, more than ever, the Internet is the largest confidential database of potential candidates for your organization”. Morit Rozen – CEO and owner of HRD Recruiting Training Ltd., and principal of the training school  Hunter EDGE is an advanced recruitment software that, for the first time in Israel, provides the innovation of recruitment via social […]
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How Do You Implement a Recruitment System?

How do you implement a recruitment system? By Oz Oved, customer director at Niloosoft, responsible for dozens of successful implementations by our customersAs part of my job, and based on conversations with HR directors and placement agency owners, I have learned that every organization employs their own unique recruitment methods.Of course, one of the most […]
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How to Find the Ultimate Candidate for the Job

Written by Einat Marom It is no secret that finding suitable candidates for a specific job is not an easy, and could be extremely challenging.  Resumes in many cases do not reflect the capabilities and skills of the candidates. In other words, the terms used in the resume are hence very and need to be […]
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The five challenges in mass recruitment and the solutions for each one of them

The five challenges in mass recruitment and the solutions for each one of them Mass recruitment presents organizations with significant challenges in the battle over candidates; however, there are solutions that allow you to successfully deal with them while saving time, money and other resources By: HRus System One of the bigger challenges facing organizations […]
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Affirmative action

Affirmative action Written by: Dalia Levy I first heard of Niloosoft three years ago. We joined because of Hunter EDGE, an advanced system for the management of human resources that is user-friendly, cost-effective, quick to use and easy to learn. But that’s not the reason that we’re with Niloosoft; we stayed because of its human capital, […]
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How to apply the right makeup for a job interview

How to apply the right makeup for a job interview Written by:  Michal Sasson To supplement the written information contained in a résumé, candidates for a position are invited for a personal interview to get better acquainted; this is their chance to make an impression. I refer to women and men alike; nowadays I make up […]
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How to boost effective communication among employees and save a lot of money

How to boost effective communication among employees and save a lot of money Written by:  Zohar Amihud For businesses with branches or salespersons spread throughout the country, effective communication is critical to survival in a competitive and dynamic market. While Internet surfing speed has increased and can be done from any device and on any size […]
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