Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) – How Does It Work?


If recruitment or human resources teams are struggling to streamline the hiring process, the solution you’re looking for may be found inApplicant Tracking Software (ATS). ATS can be used to automate any part of the hiring process, allowing teams to find better candidates, organize prospects, filter resumes, and even schedule interviews, all while human resources teams have more time to dedicate to working toward other goals. 

Who Uses Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is used mainly by two parties. The first is staffing agencies, who are tasked with matching companies looking for talent with talented individuals looking for work. For staffing agencies, a product like Hunter EDGE Professional Version for recruitment firms is suitable for larger mass recruitments across a vast pool of different potential employees and employers, working to create perfect matches from a unique talent pool. 

The second party most likely to use Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is corporate human resources departments looking to hire new talent for the organizations they work for. In these cases, human resources professionals won’t be looking for mass recruiting across industries like a recruiting agency, but for specific talents from individuals with specific skills. For corporate human resources teams, a product like the Hunter EDGE Enterprise Version may be more suitable to these specific needs when compared to a version catering to recruitment firms. 

How Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) Works

Whether it’s a human resources executive looking to streamline the talent hiring process, or a recruitment firm looking to match employers and employees on a broader scale, Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) will serve a similar general purpose. The software works to control, automate, and organize the hiring process, from automating job posts on career websites to resume screening and individual candidate assessments. 

With this part of the hiring process taken care of by hiring software, recruiters have more time, resources, and energy available to meet other goals. Additionally, the software can highlight weak points in an organization’s hiring process that may not otherwise be easy to spot without easy to analyze data. 

Hiring and recruitment software helps to streamline and automate a few specific pain points

Job Posting Automation 

Making job listings is a crucial part of finding the right talent for a position, but it’s also time consuming for hiring professionals to find career search websites, write listings, create application forms, and keep all of this data organized. With hiring software, recruiting firms or hiring professionals need only to write one single job listing, create one application, and post once to reach all corners of career search platforms with simple automation. 

Applicant Organization 

With greater reach comes more applications from talented individuals who find job postings online. As resumes and applications flood in, hiring professionals need a way to keep all of this important data accessible and organized. Recruitment software stores professional prospect information on a cloud database for easier evaluation now or later. 

Resume And Application Screening 

Sorting out resumes from a large pool of applicants is time consuming and can be difficult to organize. Automation with Applicant Tracking Software allows professionals to bulk screen through applications using specific keywords or phrases; taking a task that once took hours and turning it into seconds. 

Recruitment software doesn’t just screen resumes but organizes them for further evaluation in an easy and streamlined way. Resume pools may also be screened more than once to make them even more manageable when it’s time to seek out candidates for interviews.

Automated Candidate Assessments 

Interviewing candidates is even more time consuming than assessing resumes, and the early interview stages may be automated using recruitment software as well. AI chat interviews or video introductions can be ranked using the software’s technology, making easy work out of candidate prioritizing after a first round of interviews. 

Pre-determined questions or phrases can be plugged into the automated assessment, and rankings show the top candidates based on your criteria to the least compatible. 

Onboarding Automation 

The final stages of the hiring process can also be automated and streamlined using hiring software technology. In these last steps before hiring, mass recruitment software programs can handle the final aspects like background checks, onboarding questionnaires, and reference checks to ensure candidates are a proper fit before an “official” hiring takes place. 

With job posting, resume organization, candidate assessment, and onboarding taken care of, hiring professionals have more time, energy, and resources available to build nurturing relationships with new hires from their first day along with meeting additional team goals. While recruitment firms and corporate human resources departments may require different functionalities out of their recruitment software, the technology is highly customizable to suit various professional needs. This allows recruitment software technology to work as it needs to across the board for a smoother hiring experience.