Upgrades and version updates of the Hunter EDGE recruiting system – June 2024

We’re excited to introduce our latest version update, which integrates advanced technologies and innovative features into the HUNTER EDGE system. This month, our development team focused on key developments like new designs for the login screen, the ability to create email templates and signatures, and the automatic analysis of LinkedIn URLs. Keep reading to stay updated on all the latest enhancements that will help you work smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

1. Upgraded Login Screen with New Designs

We’ve added rotating designs to the login screen, featuring links to information about new products and system upgrades, so you’re informed right from the start!

2. Creating Email Templates

We’ve enhanced email communication with candidates, allowing you to create templates directly within the system, making it quicker and more efficient to update candidates on their progress.

3. Easily Create Email Signatures

We’ve added the ability to create professional and personalized email signatures, including logos and images, which can be used in templates and even include links to social media profiles within the signature.

4. Automatic LinkedIn URL Analysis

To save valuable time and streamline the recruitment process, we’ve added the ability to automatically analyze LinkedIn URLs found in resumes, so they’re instantly added to the candidate’s profile. Now, you can access the candidate’s LinkedIn page with just one click.

5. Upgraded Excel Upload Tool with Parent Unit Support

We’ve upgraded the Excel upload tool, which now supports parent units and allows for the creation of an organizational hierarchy.

6. Merging Inactive Candidates

We’ve added the ability to merge inactive candidates, helping you avoid duplicates even among inactive candidates and keeping your database organized.

7. Documenting Employee Courses and Training

We’ve enhanced the employee record with the ability to document courses and training, making it easier to track professional development and employee progress.

8. Exporting Employee Activity Reports

As part of upgrading your organization’s human resource management capabilities, we’ve added the ability to export reports based on employee activities, including maternity leave and performance reviews, giving you a comprehensive and clear overview of organizational activities at any given moment.

9. Search Employees by Status

To make it easier for you to manage employees and plan your workforce, we’ve added the ability to search for employees by status (such as maternity leave, military reserve duty, etc.).

10. Employee Duplication Detection

We’ve enhanced the ability to detect duplicate employee records, with an option to merge existing employees in the system, helping you maintain an accurate database and avoid duplicates.

*Available for organizations only.

At Niloosoft, technology never stands still! See you in next month’s update 😊