Upgrading Nilosoft’s recruitment system – March 2024

We’ve released a new version update, incorporating advanced technologies. This month, we’ve added new features to the Hunter EDGE recruitment system that will enhance the recruitment processes for our client family. In one word – wow! Some exciting upgrades are in store. In this article, we’ll unveil the latest innovations integrated into the Hunter EDGE recruiting system as part of the March 2024 version update.

1. Dashboard Implementation in a Unit/Customer Card:

We’ve introduced a dashboard on the unit/customer card to track the recruitment stages across the organization’s different units! Now, you can visually monitor the recruitment process status for each unit/department or client, including the number of candidates at each stage and other recruitment-related information. This dashboard gives the recruitment team a real-time overview of recruitment activities by unit, simplifying the process of providing department managers with up-to-date recruitment status. Additionally, for Recruiting Agencies using our system, we’ve developed dashboards within customer cards, allowing a visual overview of each client’s recruitment status. We’ve designed various dashboards, including candidate counts per client by recruitment stages and statuses, among others.

2. Dashboard Implementation in a Supplier Card:

We’ve also added a dashboard to the supplier card to evaluate candidate recruitment stages from various sourcing channels. This enhancement enables the visualization of critical recruitment process data on each supplier card, facilitating deep insights. The dashboards include a division of applicants by filing results (e.g., new, duplicate, provisional candidates from any source), and track the number of candidates received in the last 12 months by source, as well as a categorization of these candidates. It’s important to note that the availability of dashboards varies with each version.

3. Implementing a Dashboard in a Candidate Card:

Dashboards have been added to the candidate card, assisting the recruitment team in evaluating each candidate’s progress through the recruitment stages and their current status. This update enables a straightforward and efficient understanding of a candidate’s position in the recruitment process.

4. Managing Report Exports to Excel:

Responding to client requests, we now allow system administrators to decide whether non-ADMIN users can export reports to EXCEL. This enhancement empowers client managers with greater control, facilitating precise system management according to client needs.

5. Expanding Candidate Detail Search Capabilities:

A new “foreign name” field has been added to the candidate card, enabling the entry of a candidate’s name in another language (e.g., English). This addition streamlines the search process, allowing the recruitment coordinator to find candidates by their names in Hebrew and English, significantly saving time.

6. Upgrading the “Find Similar” Search Feature:

The Hunter EDGE system features a “Find Similar” search function for identifying candidates with similar names. Previously limited to temporary candidate cards, we’ve now expanded this feature to active candidates, allowing the recruitment team to quickly verify a candidate’s system history and connections.

7. Highlighting Mandatory Fields When Creating an Employee Card:

We’ve improved the new employee creation wizard by emphasizing mandatory fields, enhancing the user experience and accuracy in data entry.

8. Adding the Ability to Filter Reports by Supplier Status:

Our reporting mechanism has been upgraded to include a filter for supplier status (active/inactive). This allows for the generation of reports on candidates from both active and inactive providers, providing comprehensive insights.

9. Management of Job Life in the System:

We’ve introduced a feature for managing job life, allowing for the documentation of reasons for closing or suspending a position. A new “Reason for Job Closure/Delay” field has been added, facilitating more productive job lifecycle management.

10. Upgrading the Resume Analysis Component:

Get ready for an enhanced resume analysis component in our automated processing! Previously achieving a 97% success rate in analyzing resumes, we’ve pushed the envelope further by improving the analysis mechanism for PDF and WORD files, ensuring our customers experience even better resume reception and analysis.

11. Improving the Employee Model Version in the PRO Version:

For users of the PRO version of the Hunter EDGE system, we’ve responded to feedback by addressing bugs and enhancing the employee model’s capabilities. This update ensures a smoother, more efficient management of all your employees within a single system!

For any questions on the subject, we invite you to contact us by email: [email protected]